

Love, Romance Tarot & Coaching Advice

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Client reviews (814)

« Thank you Harmony for the lovely consistent reading, My nerves are frayed and resolve damaged, I really hope you are right. »
  • Stuart
    On 23 July 2024

    Thank you Harmony for the lovely consistent reading, My nerves are frayed and resolve damaged, I really hope you are right.

    Response from Harmony on 24 July 2024
    Thank you for your wonderful review. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and insights. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Temperance card from the tarot deck. Be gentle with yourself while waiting for Spirit to transform your life and move you towards your goals. Know that Spirit wants to co-create with you and bring you the desires of your heart and soul. Allow Spirit to be part of your manifesting journey; you will see beautiful outcomes unfold in beyond your wildest dreams.
  • Star
    On 21 July 2024

    You were amazing. Thank you. I’m now more relaxed and will keep pushing forward with my life. Thank you again

    Response from Harmony on 22 July 2024
    Thank you for your lovely review of the reading. I appreciate your kind words and am so happy you gained insights. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the High Priestess card from the tarot deck. You are connected to a powerful force always guiding you to your destiny. Wonderful things will unfold when you trust the guidance of your inner knowing. Embrace this deep wisdom and let it lead you to the beautiful future that awaits you.
  • Stream1259
    On 20 July 2024

    Brilliant as always . Thank you Harmony

    Response from Harmony on 21 July 2024
    Thank you for your review. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. Keep shining your light. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Two of Cups card from the tarot deck. The harmonious blending of masculine and feminine energies is bringing you closer to your ideal reality with your soul family. This union is allowing you to enjoy the creation of your new reality, filled with love, balance, and mutual support. Embrace this beautiful energy and the connections that enrich your life.
  • Stream1259
    On 20 July 2024

    Brilliant as always. Tunes into situations without wasting time. She's kind, emphaphetic and non judgemental. HARMONY is in my top 5 list of best psychics on the circle. Thank you Harmony for your insights. You're the best. J

    Response from Harmony on 22 July 2024
    Thank you for your lovely review of the reading. I appreciate your kind words and I am so happy you gained insights. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Judgement card from the tarot deck. This is your time to rise and shine and step into your greatness. It is your destiny to be happy and enjoy the life that aligns with your soul's true purpose. Embrace this powerful transformation and know that you are on the path to fulfilling your highest potential.
  • Tk1979
    On 20 July 2024

    Harmony is truly amazing thank you so much and everything I was told I could relate too

    Response from Harmony on 20 July 2024
    Thank you for your wonderful review and that you were able to gain insights. I look forward to hearing the positive updates from you but in the meantime take care of yourself and know that you matter. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Empress card from the tarot deck. Self-love and self-care are the Universe's gifts to you to support you through life's journey. Self-love and self-care - your template for teaching others how to love you the way your heart desires and deserves. Embrace these practices and let them be the foundation of your well-being and happiness.
  • Helenrose1990
    On 18 July 2024

    I am so sorry the connection ended but thanks for your immense clarity!

    Response from Harmony on 20 July 2024
    Thank you for your wonderful review and that you were able to gain insights. I look forward to hearing the positive updates from you but in the meantime take care of yourself and know that you matter. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Page of Cups card from the tarot deck. Get ready for new developments that could bring a smile to your face. The universe is sending you delightful surprises and opportunities that will fill your heart with joy. Stay open to the unexpected and let the happiness flow into your life.
  • Circle11836198
    On 17 July 2024

    Sorry money finished thank you so much xxx

    Response from Harmony on 20 July 2024
    Thank you for your wonderful review and that you were able to gain insights. I look forward to hearing the positive updates from you but in the meantime take care of yourself and know that you matter. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the High Priestess card from the tarot deck. Life is about to reveal its secrets to you, letting you know that you are heading in the right direction. Trust your intuition and keep moving forward towards your dreams. The universe is guiding you and unveiling the mysteries that align with your path. Stay open to the insights and continue your journey with confidence.
  • Circle11312428
    On 15 July 2024

    Harmony is amazing. I have been on the Circle since 2013 and she is one of the best ever. She is accurate, concise, gives you teh whole picture including context instead of just one section, and her predictions have thus far come to pass. You must try her!

    Response from Harmony on 20 July 2024
    Thank you for your wonderful review and that you were able to gain insights. I look forward to hearing the positive updates from you but in the meantime take care of yourself and know that you matter. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Strength card from the tarot deck. The universe is supporting your goals, and nothing or no one can keep you down. You always bounce back from any situation and rise and shine even brighter, wowing others with your resilience and determination. Keep moving towards your goals confidently, knowing that the universe is guiding and supporting you every step.
  • Stream1259
    On 17 July 2024

    Brilliant reading from Harmony. She never disappoints and always manages to tune into situations and people. So many of her predictions have come true and I look forward to her insights panning out for work and the POI. She's become my friend and confidant . I adore Harmony as she's one of the best psychics on the circle. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Response from Harmony on 20 July 2024
    Thank you for your wonderful review and that you were able to gain insights. I look forward to hearing the positive updates from you but in the meantime take care of yourself and know that you matter. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Sun card from the tarot deck. Keep shining your beautiful light; others are blessed by your presence and want to support you in your pursuits. Know that the Universe has your back and is guiding your steps directly to your soul's destiny. Embrace the warmth and positivity surrounding you, and continue to radiate your true self, knowing that your path is illuminated and filled with potential.
  • Rosie
    On 13 July 2024

    Thank you so much for the recent readings, I always feel reassured after speaking with you. I do believe the energy is moving in the right direction, albeit slowly but as long as it’s also steadily that’s the main thing! Hope to have more positive news soon xxx

    Response from Harmony on 20 July 2024
    Thank you for your wonderful review and that you were able to gain insights. I look forward to hearing the positive updates from you but in the meantime take care of yourself and know that you matter. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Star card from the tarot deck. When life seems to be up and down, know that if you remain looking up, life will take you where your dominant focus is. Life is about to reveal what's in store for you, and it will align with your deepest soul desires. Keep your heart and mind open to the beautiful possibilities ahead, and trust that the universe is guiding you towards your true path.
  • Paul
    On 12 July 2024

    Thank you for putting mine and my partners situation in such a good understanding for if the outcome comes it would be magical

    Response from Harmony on 13 July 2024
    Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Wheel of Fortune card from the tarot deck. Sometimes we feel that things are not going well in our lives, only to realize that the universe is working its magic behind the scenes. Start living a life where you celebrate the future, knowing that the universe will always bring you your heart's desires in ways you never expected. Trust in the divine timing and embrace the journey with an open heart.
  • Stacey
    On 10 July 2024

    Hi harmony. Always love your comprehensive chats & the amount of information & guidance you share. As much as I try to keep the vision alive my poi is not interested & I don’t ever see this changing. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. Stacey x

    Response from Harmony on 13 July 2024
    Thank you for your review and kind words. Keep shining your light. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Magician card from the tarot deck. Change is not immediate; it is a process that transforms everyone concerned. Let go and allow the Universe to transform things. The universe is in the business of giving you the very best outcome, better than you requested. When you receive your heart's desire, you will have raised your vibration and look back, realizing that you and those important to you have transformed to meet the blissful life you will be experiencing. Bring the dominant energy you want to enjoy in the future. If in doubt, go within and bask in the peace while the Universe matches your inner life with your outer life. If you go where the peace, joy, and happiness are, your outer life will reflect that.
  • Glo
    On 09 July 2024

    You were spot on! About how things are on my end.. Thank you very much for guidance. I’m feeling better to confirm with you. I’ll come back to you when things are evolving. Thanks a lot you are really gifted and I highly recommend you.

    Response from Harmony on 13 July 2024
    Thank you for such lovely words and so happy to hear that you gained insights. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Star card from the tarot deck. The Universe wants you to know that things are evolving nicely behind the scenes. Stay happy, your natural birthright, and all will be revealed very soon. You desire the best and deserve the best, and the best of things are yet to come. Trust in the unfolding process and keep your faith strong.
  • Penny
    On 09 July 2024

    Thank you my chat reading this afternoon. I was hesitant about the chat but you certainly responded quickly and delivered information delicately. Thank you for the reading, if I have a choice between new and old love in 4-6 weeks ( hope so) I will let you know. Many Thanks P xx

    Response from Harmony on 13 July 2024
    Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words. Much appreciated so glad to hear you gained insights from the reading. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Six of Swords card from the tarot deck. We need the past as it is part of the process on our journey to the future. However, we don't need to carry it with us. So get happy, shake off the past, and step into your dazzling future feeling light, happy, and blissful. Be ready to receive more gifts than you asked for. Embrace this transition with an open heart, knowing that the best is yet to come.
  • Lea
    On 09 July 2024

    Always amazing! Always brings me peace to any situation I have.

    Response from Harmony on 09 July 2024
    Thank you for your heartfelt words. You make it worthwhile to do this work. Keep shining your light and stay centred in your soul the place that brings you peace and all will work out for you in the most wonderful way. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Two of Cups card from the tarot deck. This card symbolizes union and deep, mutual love. You can have the love you want with the one who aligns with your soul. Don’t leave your soul’s centre; stay where you are, and they will join you there. They may take a little while to meet you there, but when they do, it will be magic. Stay centred, send them energetic love, and they will tap into their own inner Sat Nav system and meet you where you are.
  • Em
    On 08 July 2024

    Thank you for your reading yesterday it's the 4th time I've chated with you just hope the out come with my poi you keep sayings will happen hope to talk again soon xx

    Response from Harmony on 09 July 2024
    Thank you for your message, it is always lovely reading for you and thank you for this wonderful review. Know that everything is shifting for your happiness. Start celebrating in advance, as this brings you closer to the desires of your heart.
  • Juliaw
    On 07 July 2024

    Great readings from Harmony recently! Did see poi again last night, but he was in company & didn’t want to but in. He did smile at me though. Going away to look after my mum for a month so hope he misses me & things move forward when I come back. It’s been a roller coaster ride. Thanks once again, Harmony xx

    Response from Harmony on 09 July 2024
    Thank you for your kind words and taking the time out to share your thoughts regarding our recent reading. You have a big heart ready for the love that's coming your way. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Eight of Swords card from the tarot deck. This card symbolizes overcoming fears and doubts. The one you love loves you deeply but is timid when it comes to matters of the heart. They are on a journey of shaking off the fear, doubts, and the past where they were hurt and betrayed. They are learning to trust again. Be patient and know that the love you are worthy of will be yours. Trust in the process and know that spirit is working behind the scenes to bring you the desires of your heart.
  • Kate
    On 07 July 2024

    In depth and accurate guidance, which helps and supports for real growth, rather than what you think you might want to hear in that moment - with love and appreciation x

    Response from Harmony on 09 July 2024
    Thank you for your kind words and keep shining your light and moving forward towards your dream. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Page of Cups card from the tarot deck. This card symbolizes new and unexpected beginnings in love. The love you seek is about to unfold in the most beautiful way and in a way you don't expect. Stay open-hearted and be ready for delightful surprises. Trust that the Universe is orchestrating a beautiful and unexpected path for your romantic journey.
  • Luna
    On 05 July 2024

    Harmony us my person to go here, she is amazing , super accurate, her predictions are true, accurate, on point and most importantly come from love. I strongly recommend to have a reading with Harmony and we are truly blessed to have her here in this platform. Bless you Harmony, thanks for the help, love and your light that bright this world! Namaste Soul Sister x Luna

    Response from Harmony on 07 July 2024
    Thank you for your wonderful review. I really appreciate your kind words. I feel honoured, humbled and blessed that you trust me to read for you especially with you being a very successful and talented tarot advisor. Keep shining your wonderful light. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Star card from the tarot deck. This card signifies hope, inspiration, and a renewal of your spirit. You are entering a new phase, in your life where you will find total alignment with your soul's values. The Universe wants to grant you the wishes of your heart and soul. Be prepared for magic to happen in your life, and trust that wonderful things are on the horizon. Embrace this time with an open heart, knowing your dreams are coming true.
  • Circle11612018
    On 05 July 2024

    Thanks Harmony for an encouraging reading! I'll be in touch as things develop, take care

    Response from Harmony on 07 July 2024
    Thank you for your words of encouragement and lovely review. Keep shining your light in all that you do. SOUL MESSAGE: I wanted to share a message inspired by the Nine of Cups card from the tarot deck. This card, often known as the 'wish card,' symbolizes contentment, satisfaction, and the realization of dreams. Know that the Universe has your back and is ready to deliver the desires of your heart and soul to you. When you are ready, your desires will be manifested. Trust in the process and embrace the journey, knowing that your dreams are within reach.

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