

Love, relationship & spiritual

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Please forgive, I am not available at the moment due to illness. I will put in rota when I am there for you 100 per cent. My heart is willing but at the moment my body is weak. God bless you love Jane xx


I can offer you evidence of life after death as well as channelling positive energies in your direction.
My experience as a published author and Spiritual teacher can guide you to make positive decisions in your life. I have amazing talents in all areas as a Psychic consultant. Gentle and honest.


I specialise in Love & Relationships, Spirituality and Life Pathways.
I love working with spirit, spirit guides and angels ~
I am always in awe with what they bring through in messages.


I have been consulting on TheCircle since September 2001.
I am a qualified Medium, Healer and Counsellor.
I have been undertaking consultations for 30 years and professionally for over 21 years..
I have worked on radio and tv undertaking psychic investigations into the paranormal.
I have numerous psychic investigations published in a variety of magazines and newspapers.


Medium, Clairvoyant, Aura Reading, psychic artist and writer




The deeds of today create the Spiritual joys and sorrows of tomorrow.


Psychic investigations into the paranormal, writing, Psychic art, animals and nature.


I have worked on the Spiritualist Church Circuit as a speaker and demonstrator in the UK for 20 years. I am a published author and speaker at national and international conferences on various spiritual subjects ie energy lines, orbs dimensions etc


Taking a break


I work most mornings Monday ~ Friday 8am ~ 12 noon

Client reviews : 473   -   Average rating : 4.8
« Jane is one of the few that can read for me so well and speaks to me at a soul level! I’m so so grateful, thank you!  »
    • Amik
      On 27 February 2024

      Jane is one of the few that can read for me so well and speaks to me at a soul level! I’m so so grateful, thank you!

    • R1950
      On 22 February 2024

      a very spiritual lady with a special gift

      Response from Jane on 03 March 2024
      Picking up and working and healing with the energy is a rare gift and you use it wisely with souls whether animals or humans. Don’t ever change. Thank you for your kind comments.
    • Twiggy
      On 19 February 2024

      Thank you so much Jane, just love our wee chats, your messages, guidance from Spirit and support always give me a lift. Speak again soon cx

      Response from Jane on 03 March 2024
      You are loved and helped by spirit because you always try to help and guide others. Such a special lady wanting the best for everybody. Keep the faith that all will work out in the end. Thank you for your kind comments, love janexx
    • Lorrainedickens
      On 12 February 2024

      Thankyou Jane . Looking forward to my husband getting positive news and I will take mum’s advice re document signing and my children getting on with their lives. Much love xx

      Response from Jane on 13 February 2024
      Older souls usually always put everybody else first in their life but this is not that time. Put yourself first and think to yourself ‘What do I want.’ only then will you get it right. Sometime givers in life need to start taking. Think of that sentence in capitals and you have got it. Thank you for your kind comment, love jane xx
    • User11288041
      On 08 February 2024

      Thank you Jane for the reading this morning. Looking forward to the rainbows you predicted.

      Response from Jane on 13 February 2024
      Moon stone is a crystal that helps with transformation to making you the very best version of yourself. However, there is one moon stone that is perfect for you at this time of life and it is rainbow moonstone. If you look into the crystal you can see the rainbow colours. Rainbows originally a gift from God, a promise from God. However, rainbows come also as mastery of your rewards in life so rainbow moonstone will help you to see your rewards and what you can be for the best version of yourself. Thank you for your kind comments, Jane x
    • Twiggy
      On 02 February 2024

      5 stars all the way! cx

      Response from Jane on 08 February 2024
      All your hard work will not go unrewarded although we never really see it when we go through it but this is for your future. I always wonder why certain wonderful things happen when we least expect it not realising that this was a reward in life just for us because we entertained that hard work. Little ripples from a stone thrown into a still lake create a wave of contentment from a truly unknown and surprising source from someone that you have helped through the course of life. You have a lot to look forward to. Thank you for your kind comment. Love Jane xx
    • Twiggy
      On 30 January 2024

      Just love talking to you, always get a great lift from your guidance from spirit and support, speak to you again soon cx

      Response from Jane on 02 February 2024
      The lady in spirit around you has a wicked sense of humour and is trying to make you laugh ~ she is ok now and is seeing the bigger picture and the part she played in later life. She wants to see you happy. Her way of doing this and your way may be different but you are learning to communicate with each other which is wonderful. So stop when you feel her around you. Sit down and ask her to come in close and to make things clearer for you. There is great love here for both of you. Thank you for your kind comments, love jane xx
    • Circle11621158
      On 25 January 2024

      Such a sensitive & generous reading, I'm so sorry that I ran out of funds, but thank you so much, Jane, truly appreciated

      Response from Jane on 30 January 2024
      Sapphire gemstone has the blue of the depth of the ocean changing and creating all different colours of blue in light. It is worn as protection and majors in creativity. It gives insights into all forms of creativity and can be manipulated by placing other gemstones along side it such as aquamarine whereby such creativity is concentrated on past life. It is exciting knowledge to see that certain crystals, gemstones and precious metals can be used together for their combined energies be used for specific purposes. Thank you for your kind comments. Jane x
    • User11288041
      On 25 January 2024

      Jane thank you so much for the reading this morning. Pray all materialises as you predicted.

      Response from Jane on 25 January 2024
      You are on my ‘Prayer List’ for tonight for help, guidance and healing. Please do not make any decisions until you feel the energy and answers to those prayers. Moon stone is an opaque crystal for transformation and rainbow moonstone has the same qualities but for all areas of your life to change or transform if needed to give you those valuable insights if necessary. It is just perfect for you at this moment in time as it has gentle, comforting energy and folds you in a colourful fleece blanket of warmth. Thank you for your kind comment, Jane x
    • Circle11153658
      On 23 January 2024


      Response from Jane on 25 January 2024
      You are a beautiful soul and an old one on your mission already in life. You are well loved by family, friends, spirit and myself who are so proud of you and the work that you do. Sometimes you have to put yourself first and your wants and needs have to be met to give you the security in your special mission. Citrine crystal will bring you that abundance and joy in all walks of your life. You are well blessed, love jane xx
    • Circle12459128
      On 16 January 2024

      Jane is always amazing how she pics up. I missed your last saying though as I ran out of funds what the number 39 means. You mentioned a door. What does it mean?

      Response from Jane on 17 January 2024
      Apophyllite is a powerful crystal for transformation as it has connections to the higher realms. It helps you to see. I work with spirit and always in awe on what they bring through which might not be apparent at the time but an eye opener in the future. Look out for the number in the future. Thank you for your kind comments. Jane xx
    • San
      On 12 January 2024

      Oh my gosh such a wonderful reading! So blessed to have had this experience Thank you so so much x

      Response from Jane on 15 January 2024
      Aquamarine is a beautiful sea green crystal which has unique qualities in respect of past lives. It is the only crystal I work with on past lives as it gives us courage to see the past life and the part we play which might not always be our character today. On one occasion, a friend meditated on past lives and saw herself in her room, her books, her piano that she played but she was lying down in the centre of her room. Why? She then realised when she drew up her arm and it was all colours that this was her coffin and she was lying in state. It did not upset her but made her realise there is no death. Thank you for your kind comment. Your pathway shows a learning curve with past life realisation which is going to be wonderful and an eye opener. Love Jane x

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