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No cards, or charts. only the empty space between my ears

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Polite Note...

I'm usually online at these times... Mon. Wed Thu. & Sat... 5pm to 9pm. ish Sun. 5pm to 8pm. ish.
I take a short break around 7.15pm

All the clairs, mediumship, remote viewing, Angel channelling, sometimes even I'm surprised.with whatever I just did... (Further details below.)
When it comes to furry, and scaly, friends, as an animal psychic, or medium, I have had my moments...(Further details below)
The only thing I can, sincerely, say I don't do is to read from cards.

I cover most life areas, career, relationships, spiritual development, and well being.

Conversational, froth free, and down to Earth.

20 years odd, as a reader on The Circle, I have also worked as a platform medium at various local Spiritualist churches, including demonstrations, and events, and I have taught on several retreats.

Creative writing.

The truth will always be found three steps beyond our belief.
Never meditate deeper than the safe operating limits of the Angelic submersible.
The only difficulty in being aware of the underlying reality is getting it to shut up, occasionally.
Humanity has to know what's best, the Universe is content with knowing what's better..

Why are we here? If there is a meaning to this life it's our own creation, which constantly evolves through our experiences. I can say how I got here, on The Circle, which also seems to answer some of my whys... It all started with a challenge, if I went along to the local Spiritualist church, with my partner, then the next take away was a curry rather than a Chinese. I got my curry, while, at the same time, began wondering what the tricks behind psychics, and mediums, were. Be fair! I was born with a curious mind. By now I was attending the meetings most weeks. I realised I could only trust myself, so I went through the training to become a platform medium. Having a background in Biological sciences wasn't, actually, restraining. Dissecting, and divination are both learning from nature... (ish). Obviously, over the years, my thoughts have changed a tad. Especially when I was made redundant on a Tuesday afternoon, and, by Wednesday, was lined up to begin work on The Circle, simply because it was suggested by someone who was already a reader, I would never have thought of it otherwise.

You, possibly, know why you're here, reading this, but you don't, necessarily, need to have a reason right now. A lot of my consultations begin at one point, and then head off towards the Andromeda galaxy. I've found that is, often, the way of the world, and how my weird, space trucking, guidance operates. You might need to hop off along the way, even if you hadn't considered visiting the Pleiades cluster. It's not my journey, it's yours. Maybe it's all a happy accident that brought us together, here, and now, possibly not. Perhaps there's a plan behind the randomness, perhaps not.

I don't give readings from cards... I'm a channel, this is the only time I will admit to it. I am also a medium between you, and your, passed over, loved ones, too. This usually happens without any previous notification, and works best when not asked for. They need a few minutes to get over the surprise someone can hear them talking.

I never change what I've said, in a reading, if it felt right at the time it will look right, at the right time. I freely admit I'm not suited to everyone. If I feel you're wasting your time, such as waiting for someone, to come forward, or reconcile with, it's one of the first things that comes out. A lot of people, understandably, don't want to hear bad news. Of course, that's a biggie. How can I be so sure? Well It's from the physical feeling, of the emotional connection between two people. We have all experienced it, and, with a little practice, distance gets vaporised. So, basically, it's playing gooseberry while you're both sat on a park bench. I'm in the middle with a bag of duck food. I then try to use the energy to describe the other person. So, I'm a talking gooseberry... deal with it, I have to. If the feeling isn't there, then it's not there! It could exist at some point in the future, so, if I sense that, it's good news, but, with another proviso no one wants to hear, which is being patient. Oh, and before anyone asks, or complains, the ducks get fed before I log off from the system.

I will, actually, look at any situation, no matter how bizarre. In fact the only thing I won't consider in a reading is being judgmental. Buddhism taught me that one a long time ago. People do like to compartmentalise stuff, though, obviously, I prefer thinking outside the box. Anyway here's a couple of, short, lists...

Life areas covered...
Spirituality & Personal Development
Twin Flames
Past Life Questions
Lost Objects
Dream Untangling..
I also do this weird thing with pets, alive or passed over,. It just happens! I can't do it to order, and will never try.

My Abilities...
They're not gifts, so fancy wrapping isn't required. My connection is direct with wherever it is, Although I press the phone buttons using my fingers the rest comes from elsewhere. I do all the Clairs, but in my own, down to earth, way. It's the same with the Angelic, and other, realms. They talk, I listen, then relate straight back to you. In regards to dreams...(this may sound strange) but, I can, sort of, walk in to them, in certain cases. It's not the same as an interpretation!

If you really need a list, and some of you will...
I'm a
Clairvoyant (I see stuff)
Clairaudient (I hear stuff)
Clairsentient (I sense stuff)
Claircogniscent (I know stuff, which leads to a lot of, 'Reallys'?)
Angel botherer
Dragon botherer, (when the Angels can't be bothered)
Medium, (which includes your guides, and Angels joining in our conversation not just your departed loved ones)
Intuitive (I know I knew stuff, but don't ask me to explain how I knew it now you know I did)
Remote viewing, (Non-corporeal Netflix)
To be honest about the only thing I don't do is Unicorns. (Unless one turns up, which they have).

All of the above is going on throughout your consultation. I don't make a fuss about it, so, if you've had a few readings you may find my lack of illustrative expostulation refreshing as my style is conversational.

If you do decide to have a consultation with me can I please ask that you don't say,'Really!' In a shocked voice, (People do that, a lot). Oh, and it's a psychic line, don't be surprised when I say something, well, surprising. (People do this one too). I may, politely, ask you to stop giving me too much information, yes, I prefer to tell you what's going on, especially, at the beginning of our conversation. It's my way of setting up some rapport with you.

So that's me. I look forward to connecting with you, at some point, however, if you've decided I'm not right for you, which happens, I wish you well. One last thing... I never ask for a review. I feel that they should be at the client's discretion, that way they seem a little more valuable.

Oh, and for the record my name is Alan, with just the one L. (It's a legacy, file length, thing from the old system)


I have been consulting here at The Circle since 2003. If there's a learning curve, I'm on it, somewhere. I am also a trained platform medium, and have taught on retreats.


Please note TIMES ARE ISH. (Apart from Tues, and Fri, when time is an illusion, non-exishtent, in fact)

5 pm to 9 pm Mon, Weds, Thu, Sat, Sun. is 5pm to 8 pm

Tues, and Fri... Watch this space........... until Weds, or Sat.,

Client reviews : 712   -   Average rating : 4.9
« I started reading with Allan about 11 months ago. He has advised and led me on my journey with my partner. I believe Chapter 1 is closed, but there will be Chapter 2. Everything he predicted from the beginning has happened, maybe not as quickly as I wanted it to, but it has. It has been a slow process, but I am happy now. Many times he would know what I wanted to talk about. I will check in with him once in awhile. Thank you, Allan! »
    • Ageless Rebel
      On 21 October 2024

      I started reading with Allan about 11 months ago. He has advised and led me on my journey with my partner. I believe Chapter 1 is closed, but there will be Chapter 2. Everything he predicted from the beginning has happened, maybe not as quickly as I wanted it to, but it has. It has been a slow process, but I am happy now. Many times he would know what I wanted to talk about. I will check in with him once in awhile. Thank you, Allan!

    • K4
      On 20 October 2024

      I know this shouldn’t be used like this I will delete are you online tonight giess if your not you won’t even see this so pointless ha ha x

      Response from Allan on 21 October 2024
      Unfortunately, I couldn't be online, so the deletion didn't work, that said I might be about to get deleted for not being online for the evening under consideration, in which case I won't be online tonight, although I, originally, intended to be. I hope this has clarified things xx
    • Circle11150728
      On 19 October 2024

      Thank you so much for the reading as it helped so much. You’re such a true reader. I come away feeling blessed by your guidance with hope in the near future. Lots of love xxx

      Response from Allan on 21 October 2024
      I does what I does, as well as it can be doesed. You're more than welcome to any help I can give. Thank you for your kind words they are appreciated..xx
    • Floralwall
      On 17 October 2024

      Had a great chat. Very intuitive and helpful.

      Response from Allan on 17 October 2024
      I have my moments... Thank you for your kind words, and for taking the time to leave me a review.
    • Juliaw
      On 16 October 2024

      Thanks to Alan & Dragons for all your support. There has been movement on both sides albeit slowly, but then I get disheartened & think I’m deluding myself especially about love life. Speak very soon. Xxx

      Response from Allan on 17 October 2024
      You're more than welcome to any help I can give. Thank you for your kind words, and for taking the time to say them. xxx
    • Beth
      On 13 October 2024

      Hi Allan, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…you’re my rock! Thank you for always being there for me, for your wise words (yes they really are!!!) and for your help. You explain things in a way that makes sense to me, and you make me laugh too! Thank you so much and I’m sorry for going around in circles sometimes! xx

      Response from Allan on 14 October 2024
      Sometimes, the person answering these reviews, which would be me then, wonders if the words really are about, well, me. I just try to help! I suppose I relate more to being a rock, as in dense... Thank you for your kind words, and you're more than welcome to any help I can give. xx
    • Juliaw
      On 13 October 2024

      Thank you Alan, as usual to you & the Dragons. Chat is great, but lovely to talk ‘live’. Wonderfully supportive & reassuring as usual. J xxx

      Response from Allan on 13 October 2024
      Ya welcome, as always, and I am glad that things are going along as they are. Thank you for your kind words, they are sincerely appreciated. xxx
    • C1969
      On 11 October 2024

      Thank you Allan for another great reading 🙏

      Response from Allan on 11 October 2024
      Ya welcome, I am glad to have helped. Thank you for your kind words too.
    • S246
      On 10 October 2024

      Thanks for the chat & guidance. Sorry I couldn’t share the humour but today’s been tough!

      Response from Allan on 11 October 2024
      Ya more than welcome, there's no need to apologise, perhaps I should, and I know that right now the tough days will outnumber the easier ones. Thank you for your kind words, they are always appreciated.
    • Suzanne
      On 10 October 2024

      Sorry we got cut off Alan. Lovely to chat and thank you for the sound advice. Xxxx

      Response from Allan on 11 October 2024
      I thought it was something I had said, so thank you for the reassurance. I'm happy to have helped, as always. xx
    • Juliaw
      On 09 October 2024

      Hi Alan, great as usual. Hope it’s moving forward. Sometimes feels stuck. Family an ongoing situation that I think I am slowly getting sorted. As for my romantic life, well! You see it moving. So in you & Dragons I trust!

      Response from Allan on 10 October 2024
      It's always a pleasure to hear from you, and it looks like all is well. As for the dragons... they do like a good mention, to them a mention is as welcome as a Rolo, but a bit more satisfying, although less chocolatey, and much easier to get out of the packet when one has talons rather than fingers.
    • Amanda
      On 07 October 2024

      Fantastic reading-would highly recommend. And a real nice guy too!!!

      Response from Allan on 07 October 2024
      Thank you for taking the time to write a review, and for your kind words too.

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